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Veterans Day [View All]

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amerikat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-11-11 10:53 PM
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Veterans Day
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It's veterans day. I feel that I must write something, so here it is

Family and friends fought for me.

My dad was not a military man. He served in the merchant marines. He graduated from Kings Point as an ensign. He served his time supporting the military. He ran convoys to Russia. His convoy faced torpedo's from german wolf packs.When the war over He got no benefits. When the war was over he hitchhiked 20 miles a day to get a college degree from rutgers u.

His brother John died in the war.Army Air corp. Some kind of collision near guadal canal. His other brother died years later, cancer from serving in occupied japan at hiroshima or Nagasaki. I forget the details.

On this day I Honor all of them.

My dad made me a follower of peace. Bless his soul.
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