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Reply #7: I think nonny mouse is mistaken in their analysis [View All]

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hootinholler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-12-11 01:47 AM
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7. I think nonny mouse is mistaken in their analysis
Very emotional. Very compelling. But what is described is not the complete picture of Penn State.

Does football have an undue influence on the college? Likely, but not more so than it has in other universities across the nation. I seriously doubt that this was covered up in an attempt to save the football program, but in a very misguided and likely illegal attempt to save the school from the shame. As cover ups always do, it magnified shame upon discovery.

The town of State College would not exist if it weren't for Penn State. I mean that literally, it was incorporated at nearly the same time the college was created, thus the name of the town. The site was selected because it was in the center of the state.

Maybe 1/40 of the student body of around 40000 protested the firing last night. I doubt there were more than 100 running around breaking shit.

1/4 of the student body held a candlelight vigil tonight to honor and show support for the victims.

Should heads roll for the cover-up? Hell yes! And they are! Administrators have been fired, and may already be indicted. As the directors work through this, I think it is likely there will be more. Joe Pa was fired and is disgraced. It is possible he will be indicted as well. That is for the DA and investigators to decide, and juries to judge.

For whatever reason, the missing DA did not prosecute in 2002. His disappearance might be connected, but it was not to prevent prosecution.

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