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Reply #1: I went to visit Occupy Portland with another person who works a lot [View All]

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JDPriestly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-12-11 04:50 PM
Response to Original message
1. I went to visit Occupy Portland with another person who works a lot
with people including addicts in downtown Portland.

The people we spoke with were very intelligent, helpful, peaceful -- just great.

The person who came with me asked about religious services at the site and we were told that there was a sacred space.

But when we went to the sacred space, no one was there.

Now they could have had one person meditating there at all times or something like that. It would be a good idea.

Ghandi and MLK did not become examples of nonviolent behavior because that is what they willed themselves to be. They each had some practice of medication, or prayer, something to invoke the greater force or forces around them, something to remind them of their smallness, but uniqueness in the universe.

Somehow those who wish to remain true to nonviolence have to call on something higher than or beyond, whichever you prefer, themselves to accomplish that.

You don't have to call that something "God," or rigidly define it or associate with this book rather than that. It's all up to the person as long as there is really an authentic sense of peace and strength -- the core of nonviolence supporting your relationship with it.

Prayer, meditation, surrender, call it what you will. That is the secret.
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