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People Asking Why Sandusky Did That Interview With Costas - I Just Figured Out Why..... [View All]

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global1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-15-11 10:20 PM
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People Asking Why Sandusky Did That Interview With Costas - I Just Figured Out Why.....
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Edited on Tue Nov-15-11 10:27 PM by global1
I'm thinking his lawyer will use the "He's a Sick Man" defense. He will try to make us believe that he's sick and he needs help. On the order of not being sane to stand trial - kind of defense.

Why else would he submit himself to an interview where he admits he did some of these things mentioned in the grand jury document and think he was helping kids instead of harming them.

I just heard an expert on sexual abuse say that Sandusky is using the classic defense of a pedophile - thinking he is not guilty.

I'm thinking Sandusky's lawyer is looking to create some sympathy around Sandusky. I'm thinking that it backfired because almost everyone that heard that interview was more repulsed.
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