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Reply #4: Will be waiting for the story. :) [View All]

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MedleyMisty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-16-11 12:06 AM
Response to Original message
4. Will be waiting for the story. :)
Also - yeah, definitely, on the Bloomberg thing. How stupid is he? Everyone knows that if you respond to peaceful protest with violence and oppression, the protest grows. Everyone.

Everyone with a conscience, that is. From what I've observed, they assume that we are as selfish and amoral as they are and that we will do what they would do in that situation.

I saw an interview with Jalil where he said that the Gaddafi regime's biggest mistake was firing on the protesters, that the idea was that if you shot some of them, the rest would go home. Only a day or so later, I read that some Republican official somewhere had said that if you ran over some of the Occupy protesters, the rest would go home. It's like they don't have the same emotions as the rest of us, that they don't understand empathy and righteous anger at injustice.

But hey, I'm cool with that. If you're going to be oppressed, it's good if your oppressor is stupid and plays right by the rulebook and gives your resistance more power, visibility, and presence.
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