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Reply #10: Thank You Mayor Bloomberg [View All]

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SoDesuKa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-16-11 12:29 AM
Response to Original message
10. Thank You Mayor Bloomberg
Republicans aren't quite ready to dump Bloomberg yet . . . after all, he does give millions of dollars to the Republican Party. But they are definitely feeling the heat. Clearing out Zuccotti Park was not a smart move, and Bloomberg showed once again that he's basically a rich guy playing at being a politician.

Energizing the left was not in anybody's game plan. Bloomberg brags that he made the call all by himself, nobody else did it for him. That's probably true . . . and Republican politicians are slowly backtracking away from him. Going forward, it's hard to see what Bloomberg can gain from this. Protesters are going to dog his footsteps everywhere he goes. He'll need a couple of squads of cops around him just to cut the ribbon at a new supermarket.

He didn't need this. He wasn't hated. But he's the gazillionaire who used riot cops to roust protesters as they slept in their tents. What an asshole.

Bloomberg made himself toxic.
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