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Hundreds (JS says a thousand) rallied in Walker's Neighborhood.... [View All]

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HereSince1628 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-16-11 07:51 AM
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Hundreds (JS says a thousand) rallied in Walker's Neighborhood....
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Edited on Wed Nov-16-11 08:07 AM by HereSince1628

Hundreds March Near Walker's Home in Massive Petition Drive
By Marti Mikkelson
November 16, 2011 | WUWM | Milwaukee, WI

Hundreds of people gathered near Gov. Scott Walker’s home in Wauwatosa Tuesday night, to vent their anger over his bill to gut collective bargaining rights for most public workers. The rally was part of a kickoff effort to recall the governor. WUWM’s Marti Mikkelson visited the neighborhood, where a massive signature drive was underway.

Modest brick homes line the street where the governor lives and several neighbors are walking their dogs or raking their leaves. In the midst of these after work activities, recall volunteers are setting up tables in several yards a few doors down from the governor’s house. Patricia McFarland is hosting a steady stream of people, who are lining up at one of the tables to sign recall petitions. She says she has no problem holding a recall signature drive on the block where the governor lives.

“We feel it’s important for people to speak up. We feel that the way he came into office was dishonest. He never said he was going to get rid of collective bargaining. He’s been very dangerous for the common good. I care about Badger Care. I care about my students. I’m a teacher and it’s time to throw the bum out,” McFarland says.

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Opponents of Gov. Scott Walker marched past his Wauwatosa home Tuesday night to cap a day of activity launching the recall effort against the governor, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and four Republican senators.

The atmosphere of the march, which drew more than 1,000 protesters as well as Walker supporters, echoed the tenor of protests at the Capitol this year. Organizers said some Walker neighbors welcomed marchers and allowed their driveways to be used to sign recall petitions. Protesters carried signs such as one that read "Occupy Walker's Street" in all capital letters.

The recall group United Wisconsin started Tuesday with a 12:01 a.m. electronic filing, then hours later marched through downtown Madison to make the paper filing with state elections officials. The Madison march was led by two possible Walker opponents if a recall election is triggered - former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk and Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin President Mahlon Mitchell.
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