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Toilet troubles plague sailors' deployment on carrier Bush [View All]

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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-16-11 11:52 AM
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Toilet troubles plague sailors' deployment on carrier Bush
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Toilet troubles plague sailors' deployment on carrier Bush

Problems aboard the U.S. aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush are coming to a head, so it seems.

According to a report by the Virginian-Pilot, the ship has a major problem with its toilet system and some sailors say it's affecting their morale, their health and their job performance. In fact, the toilet outages are so common that crewmembers at times can't find one toilet aboard the ship that works, the newspaper reports.

The angry mother of one Bush sailor sent out a news release about the defective toilets.

"The sailors aboard the USS George H.W. Bush have already endured nearly six months with an unhealthy 'inconvenience' that most civilians would not tolerate for six hours," Mary Brotherton wrote, according to the Virginian-Pilot. "The taxpayers are outraged over the living conditions of the men and women onboard."
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