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Crisis gov't set to win confidence vote, but clouds gather (November 17 in Greece) [View All]

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FarCenter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-16-11 12:27 PM
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Crisis gov't set to win confidence vote, but clouds gather (November 17 in Greece)
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Papademos's administration is set for another test as tens of thousands of protesters are expected to join an annual rally on Thursday to commemorate the 1973 uprising that led to the overthrow of the 1967-74 military dictatorship.

More than 7,000 police officers are to be deployed around the National Technical University of Athens (better known here as the Polytechnic), the Parliament building, the US Embassy and other possible targets of anti-establishment violence in the countdown to the march.

“The message on November 17 will be that Greeks can't take it anymore,” general secretary of private sector union GSEE Nikos Kioutsoukis told Reuters. “People will take to the streets again when they dip into their pockets and feel that they are empty,” he said.

Fears of possible upheaval are acute not only because of the discontent of an austerity-weary public, but also because it will be the first such rally since the lifting of a law banning police from entering university grounds.

Emphasis added.
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