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Recall Walker rally Saturday in Madison! Be there, on the square! [View All]

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Scuba Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-16-11 01:52 PM
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Recall Walker rally Saturday in Madison! Be there, on the square!
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from my email...

Dear Scuba,

You came to Madison last February with a clear message for Scott Walker: end your extreme agenda and refocus on creating jobs or the people of Wisconsin will recall you as soon as possible.

But Scott Walker didn’t listen. He didn’t budge and he didn’t end his assault on the working people of our state. Instead, he rammed through as many favors as he could to the powerful special interests groups that donated to his campaign and he created massive uncertainty for working families.

With the recall effort now officially underway, we need you to return to Madison this Saturday to show Scott Walker what happens when you ignore the voice of Wisconsin’s middle class.

Click here to RSVP to attend our Recall Scott Walker Rally this Saturday at 11:00 AM in Madison and help finish the fight to take our state government back by bringing a friend or neighbor with you.

Recall Scott Walker Rally

Wisconsin State Capitol (State Street Side)

Saturday, November 19th

11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Click here to RSVP and for more information.

The Recall Scott Walker Rally starts with live entertainment at 11:00 AM and will feature many special guests and speakers. At the rally, you’ll be able to sign petitions to recall Scott Walker and learn how you can get involved with our grassroots campaign in your community.

With the rally occurring the weekend before Thanksgiving, we ask that you bring a non-perishable food item to the event so that we can help those that are struggling this holiday season.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you at the rally,

Maggie Brickerman

Executive Director, Democratic Party of Wisconsin

Click here for a downloadable petition to sign and circulate...

Any DU members want to meet for a beer later?
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