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Overflow crowd opposes proposed cuts to county parks [View All]

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Sherman A1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-16-11 04:13 PM
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Overflow crowd opposes proposed cuts to county parks
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An overflowing crowd packed the St. Louis County Council's chambers, and poured into the hall, to unleash a torrent of criticism Tuesday against St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley’s proposal to make steep cuts in the county’s park system.

Hundreds showed up for the first public hearing of Dooley's proposed 2012 budget, prompting law enforcement officials to direct people to the few scattered empty seats.

The crowd was so immense that dozens of people had to watch the hearings outside the council’s chambers on a small television.

Roughly 90 people signed up to speak out on the budget, primarily against Dooley’s proposal to shut down 23 parks and lay off more than 130 park and recreation employees.

Full article at

The People are speaking out and at least in this case it appears that The People are a bit out of sorts....
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