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Reply #9: My local family has rearranged the day 3 times to try to cope [View All]

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LWolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 01:36 PM
Response to Original message
9. My local family has rearranged the day 3 times to try to cope
with the work schedules of those working in retail. It looked like we couldn't find a single day or time this week that everyone could attend.

The current plan is to eat at about 2:00; my son will get home from work in the early hours and immediately start cooking; his SO will be home by about 2:00. We'll shut down at about 5:00 so he can get some sleep; a few hours and off to work at 11:00.

Meanwhile, my oldest son called me yesterday from 1200 miles away to rant; he went to a Best Buy in his area and had to wade through a dozen tents set up in front of the store, all waiting for the midnight "Black Friday" opening. He, feeling the distance since we haven't seen him in 2 years because budget/economy issues have kept anyone from traveling, was ranting about people who would rather camp out to buy stuff than spend time with their families.
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