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Reply #1: You could give some cops gummy bears...... [View All]

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Uben Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 08:49 AM
Response to Original message
1. You could give some cops gummy bears......
....and they would find a way to kill someone with them. They abuse every instrument they are issued. Every time they get a new toy, they are chompin at the bit to get to use it, and they do! I said some cops because I feel most cops do their jobs according to protocol. I come from a family full of law enforcement officers....state troopers, sheriff's deputies, local cops, and federal deputy marshals, so I'm no stranger to law enforcement abuse in Texas. Although I have never been arrested because of my this halo around my head! he he!

When I was a kid, we were headed to some relatives house for a visit when we saw a convict, being transported, jump out the back door of the police car he was in. My dad knew the officer driving, so he pulled over and helped in the pursuit. HE and the officer disappeared behind a building where the perp had ran to, and mom was worried as hell. Then we hear a gunshot! Dad and the officer came from behind the building dragging the suspect back to the patrol car. He had been kicking them and resisting all the way, so the officer pulled his gun and shot him in the leg. End of problem. Sounds brutal, I know, but that's how they did it in the 1950's in Texas.

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