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An all time low for Fox News; al Qaeda of Madison, WI [View All]

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Botany Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 10:03 AM
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An all time low for Fox News; al Qaeda of Madison, WI
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Edited on Wed Nov-23-11 10:05 AM by Botany
An all time low for Fox News ...... splicing in al Qaeda or Taliban fighters with a rocket launcher or a rocket propelled grenade in a "news piece" that they did last March on
the protests in Madison, Wisconsin.

This is a hammer with which we can beat Fox over the head with. How on earth does a picture of Taliban or al Qaeda get accidently get dropped into a report on the good people of
Wisconsin using their 1st amendment rights to peacefully protest against their government.

I am pretty sure that Wisconsin doesn't look like Afghanistan or Iraq

I found this by accident last night when looking at some youtube videos about Wisconsin. This is a perfect example of the propaganda that Fox News does in their day to day business.

A Thanksgiving treat @ 1:41 into the video. (I could not watch the whole video)

If somebody could post a screen capture of that image that would be very nice.
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