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An ugly conversation at the gas station. [View All]

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Warren Stupidity Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 11:22 AM
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An ugly conversation at the gas station.
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Edited on Wed Nov-23-11 11:26 AM by Warren Stupidity
Older geezer (behind the register): "Obama didn't do so well in Manchester the other day."
Younger geezer (c'est moi): "uh-huh." (Whatever I ain't going to get involved in this mess.)
Older geezer: "he ain't got any friends in this state".
Younger geezer: .....
Older geezer: "didja here about the guy who took a shot at the white house? I shouldn't be saying this but too bad he didn't succeed."
Younger geezer (c'set moi): "Oh no that's not right, he's our president, like him or not, he's the president of the united states. That's just not right."

very awkward silence

Older geezer: "how about those pat's the other night?"

I won't be bringing my business there anymore.
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