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New Poll: Front runner Newt leads GOP race in PA--Mittens is in fourth place!! [View All]

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WI_DEM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 12:26 PM
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New Poll: Front runner Newt leads GOP race in PA--Mittens is in fourth place!!
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Edited on Wed Nov-23-11 12:26 PM by WI_DEM
Public Policy Polling. 11/17-20. Republican voters. MoE 4.9% (July numbers in parentheses)

Newt Gingrich: 32 (6)
Herman Cain: 15 (10)
Rick Santorum: 12 (14)
Mitt Romney: 12 (17)
Ron Paul: 9 (9)
Michele Bachmann: 5 (24)
Rick Perry: 3 (8)
Jon Huntsman: 3 (3)
Gary Johnson: 0 (-)

Despite still holding his own in a general election setting, and despite every presumptive conservative "anti-Mitt" having at least one awe-inspiring campaign implosion, Romney actually performed worse in the most recent PPP poll here than he did over the summer. Note that while Herman Cain has become the least electable Republican in a general election trial heat, he still fared reasonably well in the primary setting. If he has raised a fraction of the cash that he claims to have raised since his scandals have come to light, he may not be politically dead yet on the GOP side.
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