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I believe the aftermath of the spraying incident is at least as important as the spraying. [View All]

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Uncle Joe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 12:37 PM
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I believe the aftermath of the spraying incident is at least as important as the spraying.
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Edited on Wed Nov-23-11 12:41 PM by Uncle Joe
While much attention; serious and satire has been paid to the spraying incident, I don't believe enough has been given to the immediate aftermath.

If you haven't seen the video, I believe this is a critically important lesson for the occupy movement re: the use and trumping of moral power over that of martial power.

Watch the body language and retreat of the police as they come to this sublime realization on RollingStone's Video.

The protesters are chanting/shouting "shame on you! shame on you! shame on you!"

To recap for those who haven’t seen it: police in paramilitary gear line up in front of a group of Occupy protesters peacefully assembled on a quad pathway. Completely unprovoked, police decide to douse the whole group of sitting protesters with pepper spray. There is crying and chaos and panic, but the wheezing protesters sit resolutely in place and refuse to move despite the assault.

Finally, in what to me is the most amazing part, the protesters gather together and move forward shouting “Shame On You! Shame On You!” over and over again. You can literally see the painful truth of those words cutting the resolve of the policemen and forcing them backwards.

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