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This is the Pepper Spray used at UC Davis [View All]

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Bennyboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 12:49 PM
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This is the Pepper Spray used at UC Davis
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This Is the Pepper Spray Police Used on UC Davis Protesters (Updated)

We're awaiting confirmation from UC-Davis police, but after examining photos and videos of the incident, this is what we believe campus police used against the Occupy Wall Street protesters at UC Davis this weekend. It's nasty.
This here is the MK-9 stream canister, one of the strongest available forms of pepper spray. How peppery your spray is can be measured by its Major Capaicinoid content, and you can determine the amount based on the coloring of the can. In this case, cops appear to have used a 1.3 percent solution. The only time a spray is more potent? When it's meant to stop a freaking bear.

Assuming it's 1.3 percent—or even if it was the slightly less-intense 0.7 percent, as some pictures indicate—that's some heavy duty stuff. It's much stronger than the 0.2 percent that's authorized for tactical deployment, making this a sizable hammer for this particular nail.

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