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BOOM! Attorney: Jerry Sandusky family member made recent allegations [View All]

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Are_grits_groceries Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 02:08 PM
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BOOM! Attorney: Jerry Sandusky family member made recent allegations
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The attorney for Jerry Sandusky says one of the two new cases of alleged sexual abuse under investigation by Children and Youth Services was made by a family member.

The Patriot-News reported yesterday that the new cases were reported less than 60 days ago and are in the initial stages of investigation.

Attorney Joe Amendola said the allegations stem from difficulties within the child's immediate family. He said the assault is alleged to have occurred prior to Sandusky's arrest earlier this month, but was not brought to the authorities attention until after the former Penn State coach was charged.

The Patriot-News is withholding the child's relationship to Sandusky to shield the child's identity.

If these two cases are found to be credible, they would be the first known cases to be reported  since Sandusky's arrest that would involve children. All of the other young men who came forward to the grand jury and since indictments were handed down are now over 18, even though the assaults are alleged to have occurred when they were as young as seven or eight years old.

Sandusky was indicted Nov. 4, charged with 40 counts of sex crimes against boys after an almost three-year grand jury investigation.

And deserves to be along with anybody who knew and did nothing!
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