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Reply #2: There is a definite trend in the media today! [View All]

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MindandSoul Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-11 10:19 PM
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2. There is a definite trend in the media today!
It seems that all the powerful liberal, progressive voices are being silenced (fired, or "uninvited" like Joan River on Fox News).

Comcast just took over NBC, and there goes KO!

The whole media is being forced to turn to the right. . .further and further to the right.

As this proceeds, our voice will be totally lost. This is the most powerful form of censure I have ever witnessed in my pretty long life (I'm 60). This is serious, folks!

When you see that a freak like Beck is being adulated at Fox, and someone like KO is fired. . .this tells me that we have NO CHANCE to get our voice heard for the 2012 elections.

This is a move toward total fascism. . .and unfortunately, the population has been brainwashed enough already to not realize what is happening!
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