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If not Comcast, then who else could have factored into KO's premature termination? [View All]

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Arrowhead2k1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-11 10:26 PM
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If not Comcast, then who else could have factored into KO's premature termination?
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Edited on Fri Jan-21-11 10:29 PM by Arrowhead2k1
I'm thinking Jon Stewart. Ever since the past fall, I've noticed that Olbermann has been on a bit of the defensive after Jon Stewart began making a false equivalency between KO and the extreme right-wing rhetoric. Olbermann dropped his Worst Persons segment in responce to Jon and even pushed back at his acusations of equivalency, but eventually brought it back under a new name to underscore that the segment is to simply be taken light-heartedly, not literally. Yet Jon Stewart persists. Even last night when I was watching him interview those anti-Iranian Iranians, I noticed he mentioned KO and that "infamous" segment as some kind of comparison to right-wing rhetoric.

Anyways, these are just my thoughts and obvservations alone. Who knows what really goes on behind the scenes at NBC. Perhaps time will tell.

I was already getting sick of Jon Stewart bashing our guys just for the heck of it, and now tonight we get this horrible news. :mad: What do you guys think?
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