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Reply #11: there's multiple possbilities [View All]

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TheWebHead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-11 10:42 PM
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11. there's multiple possbilities
the blowup over the suspension and the idea among execs at NBC Uni that whether GE or Comcast was in control, one person not in their control was Keith. He's this sort of bull in the china shop that could say or do anything at any moment, by far the most difficult person on the MSNBC lineup to keep in check.

msnbc may feel they can get similar performance w/ a lower profile host at a cheaper price

keith hasn't saved all his criticism for republicans and to the extent those in power among democrats think he was pivotal in pushing them perhaps too far to the left where the party appeared to be damaged in November, they'd want to point the finger at keith and get him out.

keith has a history of burning out wherever he's employed and perhaps was taking measures to ensure that msnbc would want to can him with his actions off and/or on camera.

and immelt could have made this move w/ his new boss obama's blessing as part of a move to the center
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