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Reply #2: I could make your subject line a complete sentence: "Rabid Beck supporters... [View All]

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OneGrassRoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-22-11 11:31 AM
Response to Original message
2. I could make your subject line a complete sentence: "Rabid Beck supporters...
are my family and neighbors."


Having been on the receiving end of Beck rabid supporters' craziness (remember, he mentioned and dissed Wishadoo as part of the big evil socialist/fascist/communist/Nazi conspiracy back in October), with me receiving multiple nasty emails, FB wall posts and other communications from his "fans," I can only imagine the level it's taken to when he singles people out as he did with this professor. (Tides, anyone?)

He and his fans personally affecting me with threatening language was the last straw for me with my family. They chose him over me. So be it.

It's for the best. :)

I believe Beck, Palin and others are circling the drain. It's only a matter of time now. Still, for those they continue to affect with their hatred, it's rather awful.

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