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Reply #11: This is the most correct. [View All]

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PDittie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-11 07:25 AM
Response to Reply #3
11. This is the most correct.
KO isn't Tom Brady. Brian Williams is more like Brady (sorry about that. Really). "TODAY" is also an NBC cash cow so you have to put Matt Lauer up there close to the top, so he's kinda like Danny Woodhead.

In this tortured Patriots analogy I would have to say that Keith is most like Alge Crumpler. Integral and valuable but ultimately replaceable (which KO did himself with Rachel and Ed and Lawrence, if you think about it -- and compare it to the multiple TEs NE employs like Gronkowski and Hernandez). Replaceable especially if the coach considers him a malcontent and disruptive to team chemistry.

Which reinforces the OP's point.
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