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For a little honesty about American politics, you can always count on the Britain [View All]

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-26-11 07:42 PM
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For a little honesty about American politics, you can always count on the Britain
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Michele Bachmann's Tea Party overdrive mocked for Obama response
State of the union: self-styled Tea Party leader in Congress breaks with convention and is ridiculed for gaffes

Ed Pilkington in New York, Wednesday 26 January 2011

Michele Bachmann, the self-styled leader of the Tea Party faction in the US Congress, broke with convention to deliver her own alternative response to President Obama's state of the union speech, attracting ridicule from pundits.

Bachmann's comments, spoken to camera and broadcast only by CNN, appeared to be off the mark, literally. She spoke directly into a camera operated by a dedicated broadcaster, Tea Party HD, thinking it was on air when the live camera was to one side.

So when she came to praise American voters — "thanks to you, there's reason for all of us to have hope" — she appeared to be thanking an off-screen CNN cameraman.

Traditionally, the Republican riposte to the president's annual position statement is left to a designated individual member of Congress, in this case Paul Ryan who delivered a televised speech that was cautiously critical. To the surprise of many, including senior Republicans, Bachmann then gave her own assessment. ..........(more)

The complete piece is at:

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