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Walgreens diving into beer and winemaking business - 50 cents per can [View All]

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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 07:21 AM
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Walgreens diving into beer and winemaking business - 50 cents per can
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Walgreens diving into beer and winemaking business

Walgreen Co. isn't just selling alcohol again. They're also making it.

The Deerfield-based drugstore chain has quietly rolled out a private-label brew called Big Flats 1901, which is in more than 4,600 of the chain's 7,655 U.S. locations. Walgreens has been stocking Chicago-area stores as alcohol licenses are approved.

If the name isn't enough to tempt you, the price might be: about 50 cents per can. Prices will vary by market, and the beer will be available in states where private-label alcohol is legal.

"In this tough economy, consumers are looking for value and ways to make their money go (further)," a Walgreens spokesman said in an e-mail. "Big Flats 1901 offers our customers a premium lager at a great price.",0,5078339.story
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