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British MP: We need tax breaks for castle owners [View All]

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muriel_volestrangler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 09:42 AM
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British MP: We need tax breaks for castle owners
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No, this is not a spoof:

OWNERS of historic homes open to the public should get better tax breaks, according to North Oxfordshire MP Tony Baldry.

In a debate in the House of Commons, Mr Baldry highlighted the struggle families who owned properties such as Broughton Castle, near Banbury, faced in maintaining and repairing buildings.

He said changes to heritage maintenance funds would also give the country’s tourism a boost.

Mr Baldry said: “The owners of historic houses in no way wish to be rentiers on the state, but in consideration of the fact that they continue to provide public access to their homes, and of the broader community and national benefit of historic houses, we have an interest in trying to get the balance right.”

Meanwhile, the county his seat is in is closing 20 out of its 43 libraries, but Baldry has said fuck all about that. He's so clueless about austerity Britain it hurts.

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