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Reply #5: Law professor being paid $950 an hour with BP's money declares Feinberg independent. [View All]

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 04:05 PM
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5. Law professor being paid $950 an hour with BP's money declares Feinberg independent.
Edited on Thu Jan-27-11 04:13 PM by madfloridian
From MSNBC from Dec. 30

"A law professor being paid $950 an hour with BP's money has declared that the czar of the $20 billion claims fund for Gulf oil spill victims is independent of the oil giant.

Fund administrator Ken Feinberg said Thursday he has agreed to pay New York University professor Stephen Gillers for his advice. Since being hired, Gillers has written a letter stating that Feinberg is neutral and not subject to BP's direction or control."

Also from Pensacola news site WKRG;

"I need you to help me understand why you are not paying legitimate claims, why?" Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kennon will lead the charge. "His decision making process makes sense if you are trying to save BP money and if you are trying to minimize pay outs and to minimize punitive litigation down the road. If you look at Mr. Feinberg is our advocate, then nothing makes sense."

Businesses and individuals in Orange Beach continue to be paid only a percentage of what they claim. CPA certified claims are being turned down and the number of denied claims continue to rise. "Mr. Feinberg is God on earth. He has the checkbook and he has complete and total control and he answers to no one," says Kennon.

Like all the public meetings with Feinberg in the past, this one will take place at the Orange Beach Rec. Center but you may notice something a little different. "We have increased our security measures with all this going on. You can't not do it. We have no threats. We have no concern there is going to be an issue. We just want to make sure we take precautionary steps to make sure there are no problems," says Kennon."

So little publicity, one would think all was well in the Gulf of Mexico.
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