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Will Karl Rove bury the record of his 2004 election theft? (by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman) [View All]

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bobthedrummer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 03:27 PM
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Will Karl Rove bury the record of his 2004 election theft? (by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman)
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Edited on Thu Jan-27-11 03:29 PM by bobthedrummer
This is an article that was posted on Online Journal 1-12-11. One of the central figures mentioned is Rove's former "IT guru" Michael Connell (who was much more of a Rove IT operative than Susan B. Ralston).

The 2004 Ohio election was, in fact, stolen-there were whistleblowers and harsh consequences imho as stated in the article: "...the deposition came from the late Michael Connell, Rove's IT guru. Connell died in a mysterious plane crash in December 2008, one month after he spoke under oath to election protection attorney Clifford O. Arnebeck. Connell had implanted the state-contracted software used to compute Ohio's electronic voting tabulations...".

Read the article for yourself

Here's the Source Watch profile of Michael Connell

These criminals, like Karl Rove, are our domestic enemies-they have to be held accountable by the rule of law. One way is to never stop demanding justice when knowledgeable about their crimes-that requires access to information that is being suppressed.

What are your thoughts on this particular Karl Rove et al criminal conspiracy? No one is above the law.
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