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Reply #8: So, instead [View All]

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Newest Reality Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 05:10 PM
Response to Original message
8. So, instead
we let the MIC act as a parasite so that we can be a hollowed-out shell of a society, instead? Safer from the impact of an induced fear from the imposed, profitable paranoia, but so gaunt and emaciated that we can barely cross the collapsed concrete and asphalt in the street?

Why should the fruits of our labor continue to support wealth that is built on destruction and intimidation via weaponry? We are wasting our legacy and potential on a game that feeds fat cats by way of lucrative defense contracts, not to mention the vast waste of resources involved in military posturing and dominance.

Cry me a Rubicon, baby! As the empire collapses, we can only wonder how the choice between food for children will equate and compete with bucks for bombs in years to come.
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