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Did I Hear Ed Schultz Say On His Radio Program MSNBC Made Him Drop Psycho Talk?...... [View All]

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global1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 06:45 PM
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Did I Hear Ed Schultz Say On His Radio Program MSNBC Made Him Drop Psycho Talk?......
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I tuned in on an already started conversation with a person that called in. I thought I heard Ed say that he's not doing Psycho Talk on his 9pm CST program and that MSNBC made him pull it. Did I hear right?

He also went on to say that he moved into prime time and MSNBC told him there are more tv viewers available at that time. He is touting that saying that he'll have a bigger audience.

I really think he's kidding himself. In Chicago at least - for tonight - he's up against the Mentalist (CBS), 30 Rock and Outsource (NBC) and Private Practice (ABC) and local news on WGN. There is similar good prime time network programming for the other nights.

He was saying that he has not been muzzled by MSNBC and got very argumentative with the caller and ultimately hung up with the guy.

I really think that MSNBC put Ed on at Prime Time because they know that he'll lose audience and ratings. This will give them an excuse to let him go in 6 to 12 months.

I think he's gotten sandbagged by MSNBC. Any thoughts?
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