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Reply #8: Where I live [View All]

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Monique1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 07:14 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Where I live
Ed comes on the same time O'Donnell did before this change. 8:00 my time but I don't watch the non thinking sitcoms. I find the other stations repulsive that carry these no brainer sitcoms. I watched MSNBC all week and will continue to watch those who I have supported for quite some time. If they are not on during the weekend, off to the food channel/network. I know that I cannot have everything my way so I work to get what is available.

There is no way giving up on MSMBC is going to happen here where I live. I'll support the Dems. progressives, liberals whatever you want to tag or as for myself, Independent thanks to DU opening my eyes. I'll always be a Dem supporter but felt I wanted to be an independent to keep an open mind.

How many stayed up to watch O'Donnell? Stay up to watch Ed and quit reading between the lines what you want to read.
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