The "current and serious" threat of Iraq's WMD was the reason Tony Blair gave for going to war, but last week the Prime Minister delivered a justification which did not mention the weapons at all. On the same day John Bolton, US Under-Secretary of State for arms control, said that whether Saddam Hussein's regime actually possessed WMD "isn't really the issue".
The 1,400-strong Iraq Survey Group, sent out in May to begin an intensive hunt for the elusive weapons, is expected to report this week that it has found no WMD hardware, nor even any sign of active programmes. The inspectors, headed by David Kay, a close associate of President George Bush, are likely to say the only evidence it has found is that the Iraqi government had retained a group of scientists who had the expertise to restart the weapons programme at any time.
The Watcher, I hear your pain and frustration in your post. Yes, damn it, it is time. That's it - I can't stand sitting here with still more damning info that NO ONE IN THE MEDIA IS TALKING ABOUT!!!
They can't be allowed to do this again - spin - lie.
But it isn't for "nothing". It is for world domination by the neo cons. If you're not familiar with The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) report of September 2000, I suggest you learn all you can. The report pretty well lays out the events of the past 2 1/2 years.
Today the Guardian newspaper had an article by Michael Meacher, British MP for many years until last June. It was called "This War on Terrorism is Bogus" and it was like reading a condensed version of DU. I mean he really lays it all out there - the PNAC report - Cheney's energy task force - early warnings of 9/11 like attacks - the US Air Force's failure to react on 9/11 - oil supplies and ownership.
All around the world, this is big news. A long time MP comes right out and says Bush LIHOP and not a word - not one MF'ing word - in the US media at all.
So I made a couple hundred copies of MP Meacher's article and passed them out today and am taking a break right now from e-mailing and faxing it all over.
Yeah - I'm pissed. And frustrated. They can't keep getting away with it because the stakes are too high. It
isn't for nothing.
Good news is, they're getting scared.
Just as Britain and the US send more troops to Iraq and seek international help to restore stability, it has emerged that Mr Blair, almost alone among leaders of major nations, is to stay away from the opening of the UN General Assembly later this month. The development is bound to increase the Prime Minister's isolation following his decision to join the US in going to war without a UN resolution, and has led to speculation that he is reluctant to leave the country at a time when his conduct is under examination in the Hutton inquiry.
Downing Street yesterday refused to comment on the grounds that it does not disclose the Prime Minister's movements in advance. But this has not applied to other international summits, where his attendance has been announced well in advance.
Link to Meacher's Guardian article: