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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Arts & Entertainment » Photography Group | Add to My Forums [?] |
Discussion Topic | Author | Start time | Last reply | Replies | |
- | A trip back in time - the first 35 mm film ever - San Fancisco street scenes of 1906 | Mira | Sun Mar-20-11 10:35 PM | 14 |
- | A little reading about the "Work" of taking a good photo | Mira | Sun Mar-20-11 08:25 PM | 12 |
- | !!! *** COMMENT THREAD for March Photo Contest *** !!! [View All] | Solly Mack | Sun Mar-20-11 08:23 PM | 48 |
- | The first sign of spring in our yard. | Bonhomme Rich... | Sun Mar-20-11 06:44 PM | 1 |
- | We've reached 30 photos. I have closed the thread to submissions. | Solly Mack | Sun Mar-20-11 06:41 PM | 7 |
- | 15 minutes ago | Bonhomme Rich... | Sun Mar-20-11 12:51 PM | 8 |
- | Supermoon, Tidal Basin, Jefferson, etc | elleng | Sun Mar-20-11 07:44 AM | 0 |
- | supermoon | rdking647 | Sun Mar-20-11 07:35 AM | 3 |
- | Largest apperance of the full moon in 18 years tonight... | Earth_First | Sat Mar-19-11 06:00 PM | 2 |
- | This chair? You want this chair? | WannaJumpMySc... | Sat Mar-19-11 05:31 PM | 5 |
- | White on a Saturday morning | Mira | Sat Mar-19-11 03:05 PM | 4 |
- | Keeping Warm | Solly Mack | Sat Mar-19-11 03:01 PM | 4 |
- | At yesterday's St Pat's Day Parade Dialup warning | alfredo | Sat Mar-19-11 01:27 PM | 16 |
- | Roses, for the northern DU'rs... | Saphire | Sat Mar-19-11 01:24 PM | 4 |
- | fishy circles | WannaJumpMySc... | Sat Mar-19-11 10:58 AM | 7 |
- | Been raining at my place | NV Whino | Sat Mar-19-11 08:34 AM | 4 |
- | birds at the ren faire | rdking647 | Sat Mar-19-11 08:10 AM | 1 |
- | Fisheye lens | MissHoneychur... | Fri Mar-18-11 07:35 PM | 13 |
- | 9th Annual Smithsonian photo contest is accepting entries | Solly Mack | Fri Mar-18-11 05:02 PM | 5 |
- | Waiting for the ice to clear. | Bonhomme Rich... | Fri Mar-18-11 04:49 PM | 3 |
- | But Mom... | NV Whino | Fri Mar-18-11 12:19 PM | 7 |
- | Rural rest stop | HarveyDarkey | Fri Mar-18-11 11:17 AM | 9 |
- | the austin rodeo | rdking647 | Fri Mar-18-11 12:49 AM | 5 |
- | From my "Rear Window" today | Mira | Thu Mar-17-11 10:19 PM | 6 |
- | whirling galaxies | WannaJumpMySc... | Thu Mar-17-11 09:30 PM | 5 |
- | Tamron 1.4X TC | Earth_First | Thu Mar-17-11 09:22 PM | 3 |
- | A few March Pics | postatomic | Thu Mar-17-11 09:04 PM | 6 |
- | Fun video Review of the new Fuji X100. | alfredo | Thu Mar-17-11 12:20 PM | 5 |
- | Orchids and frogs | Saphire | Thu Mar-17-11 09:42 AM | 6 |
- | Delete wrong place. Duh | NV Whino | Thu Mar-17-11 08:43 AM | 0 |
- | empty sign moon | WannaJumpMySc... | Wed Mar-16-11 08:56 PM | 1 |
- | March Contest - "Circles" - 1 More Day Reminder. | Solly Mack | Wed Mar-16-11 11:45 AM | 6 |
- | how is your day starting? | WannaJumpMySc... | Wed Mar-16-11 07:07 AM | 0 |
- | Circles of Sorts | Elfin Yeti | Wed Mar-16-11 02:17 AM | 12 |
- | Last time through the garden... | regnaD kciN | Tue Mar-15-11 08:40 PM | 7 |
- | ***Theme for March's Photo Contest is CIRCLES*** [View All] | Solly Mack | Tue Mar-15-11 05:19 PM | 20 |
- | 7 Days (more or less) | Solly Mack | Tue Mar-15-11 10:46 AM | 10 |
- | Don't forget to adjust the clocks on your cameras. | ManiacJoe | Mon Mar-14-11 01:11 AM | 7 |
- | sherwood forest ren faire near austin | rdking647 | Sun Mar-13-11 07:13 PM | 1 |
- | We're off to Nome in the morning | Blue_In_AK | Sun Mar-13-11 06:34 PM | 0 |
- | La Luna....esta noche. | Saphire | Sun Mar-13-11 04:17 PM | 5 |
- | Look what I found yesterday | NV Whino | Sun Mar-13-11 02:35 PM | 6 |
- | spring mix.... | Saphire | Sun Mar-13-11 02:30 PM | 2 |
- | A couple circle photos . . . | Callalily | Sun Mar-13-11 02:29 PM | 0 |
- | question about watermarking | BuddhaGirl | Sun Mar-13-11 01:19 PM | 3 |
- | Some HDRs: | Itchinjim | Sat Mar-12-11 11:38 PM | 13 |
- | Here's some circles... | ljm2002 | Sat Mar-12-11 11:28 PM | 7 |
- | Doggie using the G'MIC filter. | alfredo | Sat Mar-12-11 06:53 PM | 8 |
- | Two more at the boils | alfredo | Sat Mar-12-11 05:01 PM | 4 |
- | Well I went ahead and bought Photomatrix Lite | Itchinjim | Sat Mar-12-11 04:52 PM | 6 |
- | Sunrise on chili makings | WannaJumpMySc... | Sat Mar-12-11 12:57 PM | 0 |
- | New (to me) edit software. | JohnnyRingo | Sat Mar-12-11 12:43 PM | 10 |
- | Screw the robins, now I really know that spring is returning | HarveyDarkey | Sat Mar-12-11 12:42 PM | 2 |
- | Today i was entertained with a long jump by our state bird | Mira | Sat Mar-12-11 12:40 PM | 9 |
- | Thread for All Shadow Photos Taken *since* your entry was posted in February [View All] | Celebration | Sat Mar-12-11 10:20 AM | 21 |
- | March circle | WannaJumpMySc... | Sat Mar-12-11 09:13 AM | 3 |
- | To those who have digital and want to go full-frame - pay as you go for $25 | AlabamaLibrul | Sat Mar-12-11 12:36 AM | 5 |
- | Iditarod update and a picture of our favorite musher | Blue_In_AK | Fri Mar-11-11 03:09 PM | 5 |
- | two from our mini-winter this morning | WannaJumpMySc... | Fri Mar-11-11 01:00 PM | 0 |
- | A Visitor today - her tail being a perfect circle | Mira | Fri Mar-11-11 11:05 AM | 10 |
- | View from my deck at 4 pm today | Mira | Fri Mar-11-11 06:36 AM | 2 |
- | new mushroom growth | WannaJumpMySc... | Thu Mar-10-11 08:06 PM | 0 |
- | Will it go round in circles? Will it fly high up in the sky? | bluedigger | Thu Mar-10-11 05:47 PM | 0 |
- | The winter long (dial-up warning) | JeffR | Thu Mar-10-11 12:17 PM | 5 |
- | more circles | Saphire | Thu Mar-10-11 07:48 AM | 1 |
- | damn groundhog | teamster633 | Thu Mar-10-11 07:41 AM | 3 |
- | Bubble Wrap [View All] | Solly Mack | Thu Mar-10-11 07:32 AM | 25 |
- | "Circles" I will probably use one of these | Mz Pip | Thu Mar-10-11 05:40 AM | 11 |
- | Would that picture work with the "Circles" theme? | MissHoneychur... | Wed Mar-09-11 08:45 PM | 11 |
- | morning at the park. | Saphire | Wed Mar-09-11 07:52 PM | 0 |
- | Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans? | bluedigger | Wed Mar-09-11 05:35 PM | 5 |
- | circular bipedal bliss in hot water | WannaJumpMySc... | Wed Mar-09-11 09:11 AM | 5 |
- | Ranger | ljm2002 | Wed Mar-09-11 06:35 AM | 5 |
- | A few circles from today! | Callalily | Tue Mar-08-11 12:05 PM | 8 |
- | faces, faces....they're everywhere | Saphire | Tue Mar-08-11 10:50 AM | 3 |
- | Beware of Flocking!! | Celebration | Tue Mar-08-11 10:01 AM | 12 |
- | I think I can officially say....Spring is back! | Saphire | Tue Mar-08-11 09:11 AM | 8 |
- | Anchorage goes to the dogs. | Blue_In_AK | Mon Mar-07-11 03:18 PM | 6 |
- | It's that time again - Iditarod fever | Blue_In_AK | Mon Mar-07-11 12:58 PM | 11 |
- | just made midnight trip to Gateway Arch | handmade34 | Mon Mar-07-11 09:32 AM | 1 |
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