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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Arts & Entertainment » Photography Group | Add to My Forums [?] |
Discussion Topic | Author | Start time | Last reply | Replies | |
- | Did I really forget to post this picture of Aiman? | Blue_In_AK | Fri Jan-28-11 05:22 PM | 4 |
- | For the 98 clicks interested to see about Mth44sc - I have a reply | Mira | Fri Jan-28-11 03:22 PM | 8 |
- | Jake, on a lazy day. | Saphire | Fri Jan-28-11 02:55 PM | 9 |
- | ice bank love | WannaJumpMySc... | Fri Jan-28-11 08:20 AM | 2 |
- | DHS's new guidelines for dealing with photographers | WannaJumpMySc... | Thu Jan-27-11 10:13 PM | 3 |
- | A bicycle and a motorbike | alfredo | Thu Jan-27-11 09:58 PM | 0 |
- | Back from Costa Rica | Blue_In_AK | Thu Jan-27-11 07:17 PM | 1 |
- | For those wondering...Blue has made | CC | Thu Jan-27-11 07:12 PM | 3 |
- | Wilderness Society PhotoContest | handmade34 | Thu Jan-27-11 06:09 PM | 0 |
- | --- and the January contest WINNER is --- [View All] | tabatha | Thu Jan-27-11 12:57 PM | 36 |
- | Just ran across this pattern photo from last year - take a look | Mira | Thu Jan-27-11 10:13 AM | 5 |
- | Photo Calendar - an announcement | blueraven95 | Thu Jan-27-11 09:51 AM | 19 |
- | Photographing law enforcement officers | Earth_First | Thu Jan-27-11 08:21 AM | 10 |
- | A question for handmade34 - at your leisure | Mira | Thu Jan-27-11 07:49 AM | 8 |
- | Storefront | Earth_First | Wed Jan-26-11 08:48 PM | 6 |
- | wall parade | Saphire | Tue Jan-25-11 04:39 PM | 8 |
- | objects in mirror...... | Saphire | Tue Jan-25-11 03:27 PM | 5 |
- | Paging Mth44sc. Would you say it's been a year? Saphire's photo of Still Waters | Mira | Tue Jan-25-11 09:37 AM | 2 |
- | Old subject...but not so boring | Mira | Tue Jan-25-11 01:32 AM | 9 |
- | San Francisco bay, 1/22/11 | BuddhaGirl | Tue Jan-25-11 01:25 AM | 7 |
- | this eagle sits along the river | handmade34 | Tue Jan-25-11 12:33 AM | 2 |
- | today took me... | handmade34 | Mon Jan-24-11 11:48 PM | 6 |
- | Timothy Allen - Human Planet | alfredo | Mon Jan-24-11 08:19 PM | 4 |
- | A worthy project | alfredo | Mon Jan-24-11 02:10 PM | 14 |
- | Mexico January 2010 | a la izquierd... | Mon Jan-24-11 12:52 PM | 13 |
- | Yellow Lichen | Solly Mack | Sun Jan-23-11 08:47 PM | 2 |
- | another animal post...a zebra | Saphire | Sun Jan-23-11 08:38 PM | 0 |
- | Peacock feathers | Saphire | Sun Jan-23-11 08:33 PM | 1 |
- | Macros of random stuff on my desk today | WannaJumpMySc... | Sun Jan-23-11 05:20 PM | 9 |
- | Mustard Time | NV Whino | Sun Jan-23-11 10:26 AM | 8 |
- | Geese. Like em? Hate em? Have em? Put em here | WannaJumpMySc... | Sun Jan-23-11 09:53 AM | 10 |
- | IMPORTANT question about the February Contest... | regnaD kciN | Sat Jan-22-11 02:14 PM | 10 |
- | Texas sky | Saphire | Sat Jan-22-11 10:20 AM | 2 |
- | *** How to handle the February Contest *** (Poll) | regnaD kciN | Sat Jan-22-11 09:59 AM | 7 |
- | Corte Madera creek - Marin County | BuddhaGirl | Fri Jan-21-11 10:01 PM | 7 |
- | A Winter Flower | Mira | Fri Jan-21-11 05:13 PM | 3 |
- | nutty blackbirds | WannaJumpMySc... | Fri Jan-21-11 11:32 AM | 5 |
- | So I was completely wrong about the no more winter weather thing | Celebration | Fri Jan-21-11 11:15 AM | 3 |
- | The old block of ice in my environs is still here, so is the cold weather. | Mira | Fri Jan-21-11 06:29 AM | 3 |
- | Crop question | madamesilvers... | Fri Jan-21-11 01:10 AM | 5 |
- | Good bit on the thinking end of photography | WannaJumpMySc... | Thu Jan-20-11 11:19 PM | 2 |
- | Water!!! Post some that you are NOT going to use [View All] | Mira | Thu Jan-20-11 09:04 PM | 37 |
- | What? Did you say walk? Or snack? | WannaJumpMySc... | Thu Jan-20-11 12:39 PM | 2 |
- | Jan.18th sunset | Saphire | Thu Jan-20-11 08:34 AM | 1 |
- | Okay, check this out from GD, if you haven't seen it | Celebration | Thu Jan-20-11 08:07 AM | 7 |
- | Sometimes it is a matter of perspective | randr | Wed Jan-19-11 10:45 PM | 4 |
- | Need recommendation | aquamarina | Wed Jan-19-11 05:21 PM | 3 |
- | Owl | Saphire | Wed Jan-19-11 05:15 PM | 7 |
- | Bridges, of all types, go here......... [View All] | Dyedinthewool... | Wed Jan-19-11 04:44 PM | 25 |
- | this is a HULL thread [View All] | WannaJumpMySc... | Wed Jan-19-11 03:32 PM | 38 |
- | Possibles for 'Winter' theme (Poll) | Solly Mack | Tue Jan-18-11 03:51 PM | 16 |
- | Just a friend | Bonhomme Rich... | Tue Jan-18-11 03:15 PM | 6 |
- | Sad, sad sunflower. | Callalily | Mon Jan-17-11 08:45 PM | 1 |
- | Winter Entry? (Poll) | Celebration | Mon Jan-17-11 06:00 PM | 9 |
- | this is a BULL thread [View All] | Celebration | Mon Jan-17-11 03:30 PM | 26 |
- | Still Life | Adsos Letter | Mon Jan-17-11 11:21 AM | 16 |
- | Off to Portland, Seattle, and Spokane for 2 weeks. You guys stay safe! | Adsos Letter | Mon Jan-17-11 11:04 AM | 2 |
- | Got your “Scenes of Winter” photos ready? | MattSh | Mon Jan-17-11 08:14 AM | 0 |
- | Gargoyles. post 'em if you've got 'em | NV Whino | Mon Jan-17-11 07:09 AM | 9 |
- | ** January Photo Contest ** Finals are up in GD | tabatha | Mon Jan-17-11 06:36 AM | 3 |
- | just a big kitty kat.. | Saphire | Mon Jan-17-11 06:17 AM | 2 |
- | This is a GULL thread [View All] | Celebration | Sun Jan-16-11 09:07 PM | 49 |
- | Anyone heard from MissHoneychurch lately? | Solly Mack | Sun Jan-16-11 05:28 PM | 2 |
- | this is a NULL thread | regnaD kciN | Sun Jan-16-11 03:21 PM | 6 |
- | this is a FULL thread | WannaJumpMySc... | Sun Jan-16-11 02:51 PM | 4 |
- | Cross posting! | Callalily | Sun Jan-16-11 02:31 PM | 1 |
- | Stained glass light on chapel floor, Martigny. | Adsos Letter | Sun Jan-16-11 03:21 AM | 8 |
- | Crappy photos | Gamey | Sun Jan-16-11 03:10 AM | 7 |
- | What do you think this photograph sold for? | WannaJumpMySc... | Sat Jan-15-11 11:53 PM | 19 |
- | this is a DULL thread [View All] | Mira | Sat Jan-15-11 10:50 PM | 23 |
- | This is a TULL thread | HarveyDarkey | Sat Jan-15-11 03:21 PM | 4 |
- | Just found this and thought | CC | Fri Jan-14-11 09:48 PM | 5 |
- | *** January Contest Polls up in GD *** | tabatha | Fri Jan-14-11 06:10 PM | 7 |
- | The Living Camera | ElsewheresDau... | Fri Jan-14-11 04:50 PM | 0 |
- | Smoke (dial-up warning) | JeffR | Fri Jan-14-11 03:02 AM | 10 |
- | An icey filler til the contest starts - around my house tonight | Mira | Thu Jan-13-11 11:45 PM | 6 |
- | Can people here suggest a decent cheapish camera | truedelphi | Thu Jan-13-11 10:50 PM | 6 |
- | A theme suggestion in GD / DU for our February contest: Link to the thread | Mira | Thu Jan-13-11 10:38 PM | 1 |
- | It's elemental | qnr | Thu Jan-13-11 09:14 PM | 11 |
- | A few shots from my walk home from work | Callalily | Thu Jan-13-11 10:06 AM | 5 |
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