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Fetus Focus Fallacy... |
bliss_eternal |
Sun Oct-14-07 08:29 AM | 1 |
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Abortion Common, Legal or Not, Study Says |
MountainLaure... |
Sat Oct-13-07 03:48 PM | 7 |
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Sorry, I don't have a link. |
Ilsa |
Wed Oct-10-07 11:01 AM | 1 |
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A Major Blow to Roe |
ismnotwasm |
Sat Oct-06-07 06:59 AM | 4 |
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Abortion clinic opens |
ismnotwasm |
Sat Oct-06-07 06:54 AM | 2 |
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Thought I'd post a Planned Parenthood link |
ismnotwasm |
Fri Oct-05-07 07:59 PM | 1 |
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Would you like to share...? Why are you pro-choice...? [View All] |
bliss_eternal |
Fri Oct-05-07 05:55 PM | 28 |
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I really, really wish this would get more attention [View All] |
smokey nj |
Fri Oct-05-07 05:53 PM | 32 |
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San Mateo Catholic Church bans anti-abortion activist |
ismnotwasm |
Fri Oct-05-07 05:50 PM | 4 |
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Vasectomy at 28 : One man's decision |
bliss_eternal |
Fri Oct-05-07 01:12 PM | 4 |
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Birth Certificates for stillbirths? |
smokey nj |
Fri Oct-05-07 10:04 AM | 13 |
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Abortion foes buy building next to St. Paul clinic |
ismnotwasm |
Tue Oct-02-07 06:01 PM | 2 |
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Birth Control Pills for Guys could be reality Soon... |
bliss_eternal |
Sun Sep-30-07 08:22 PM | 3 |
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ACLU Asks Court to Protect Abortion Care for Women Prisoners |
ismnotwasm |
Wed Sep-26-07 07:35 PM | 3 |
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Federally Funded Lies |
ismnotwasm |
Wed Sep-26-07 11:15 AM | 4 |
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Brownback Introduces Ultrasound Informed Consent Act |
Ilsa |
Sat Sep-22-07 07:48 PM | 9 |
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The latest victims of abortion--men...? |
bliss_eternal |
Fri Sep-21-07 02:47 PM | 8 |
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Plan 'B' pill popularity increasing in Hawaii |
bliss_eternal |
Fri Sep-21-07 12:16 PM | 3 |
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Religious organization in support of choice... |
bliss_eternal |
Thu Sep-20-07 12:08 PM | 2 |
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So how 'bout the new Kelsey Grammar sitcom? |
iverglas |
Thu Sep-20-07 02:24 AM | 6 |
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New Academy Teaches Anti-abortion advocacy... |
bliss_eternal |
Sat Sep-15-07 07:42 AM | 7 |
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Threads about choice, abortion rights, etc. on DU... |
bliss_eternal |
Fri Sep-14-07 11:26 AM | 1 |
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Planned Parenthood Seeks Court Order to open clinic on Sept.18 |
bliss_eternal |
Fri Sep-14-07 12:40 AM | 0 |
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Top N.J. Court Reverses Abortion Ruling |
ismnotwasm |
Fri Sep-14-07 12:27 AM | 4 |
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Morning After Pill Sales Signal Success |
bliss_eternal |
Wed Sep-12-07 06:44 PM | 10 |
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Senate Votes to Repeal Global Gag Rule |
ismnotwasm |
Mon Sep-10-07 08:41 PM | 7 |
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PP wins temporary block of new abortion law in Missouri |
bliss_eternal |
Thu Sep-06-07 01:58 PM | 3 |
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Christian Legal Grp. Represents Missouri in Abortion Case... |
bliss_eternal |
Thu Sep-06-07 01:55 PM | 2 |
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Nicaragua: Blanket Ban on Abortion Harms Women |
ismnotwasm |
Mon Sep-03-07 09:19 PM | 0 |
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A DUer posted a link to a 1965 CBS documentary about abortion in GD. |
smokey nj |
Fri Aug-31-07 06:30 PM | 5 |
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Groups Join Growing Protest of Aurora (IL) Planned Parenthood... |
bliss_eternal |
Mon Aug-27-07 09:00 PM | 1 |
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Has anyone seen these...? |
bliss_eternal |
Sat Aug-25-07 08:10 PM | 18 |
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Finally! the pro-reproductive rights women in our community |
Ilsa |
Thu Aug-23-07 09:05 PM | 19 |
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Here's a thread I found in the Choice group that proves why this forum was necessary [View All] |
smokey nj |
Tue Aug-21-07 02:13 AM | 28 |
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Do we have a running list of insane anti-choice legislation |
Ilsa |
Fri Aug-17-07 08:54 PM | 2 |
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The "Let's Throw Women Under the Bus" brigade has arrived! |
smokey nj |
Fri Aug-17-07 08:36 PM | 7 |
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Cash settlement for woman who changed mind on abortion |
ismnotwasm |
Thu Aug-16-07 10:33 AM | 2 |
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Puke alert |
ismnotwasm |
Tue Aug-14-07 12:47 AM | 3 |
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Portugal legalises abortion |
ismnotwasm |
Tue Aug-07-07 12:30 AM | 3 |
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Let's hear it for Ohio......NOT! |
smokey nj |
Sun Aug-05-07 01:51 AM | 15 |
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Placenta Returned to Mother on Judge's orders.... |
bliss_eternal |
Fri Aug-03-07 01:00 PM | 5 |
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Amnesty, Catholic Church go to war over abortion |
ismnotwasm |
Sat Jul-28-07 01:56 PM | 0 |
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Amendent to defund Planned Parenthood |
dancingAlone |
Mon Jul-23-07 01:26 PM | 1 |
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Six Years of the Global Gag Rule |
ismnotwasm |
Fri Jul-20-07 06:54 PM | 0 |
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Louisiana: Governor Signs 3 Anti-Abortion Measures |
ismnotwasm |
Fri Jul-20-07 05:48 PM | 0 |
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Anti-abortion protesters arrested at Tiller’s church |
IanDB1 |
Wed Jul-18-07 04:18 PM | 1 |
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Anti-Abortion Activists Descend on Birmingham and Wichita |
ismnotwasm |
Fri Jul-13-07 06:48 PM | 1 |
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This shouldn't bother me, I suppose |
dancingAlone |
Fri Jul-13-07 12:14 PM | 5 |
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2008 Presidential Candidate Choice Statements |
ismnotwasm |
Thu Jul-05-07 12:54 PM | 0 |
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Doctors vote to ease early abortions |
Scout |
Tue Jul-03-07 06:00 PM | 6 |
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Doctor Challenges Kan. Abortion Law |
ismnotwasm |
Tue Jul-03-07 06:00 PM | 6 |
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Pro-Choice Poll (Poll) |
bliss_eternal |
Tue Jul-03-07 05:59 PM | 9 |
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Anyone familier with this site? Women on Waves |
ismnotwasm |
Tue Jul-03-07 05:54 PM | 5 |
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CO--Abortion Foes Work to put Issues on '08 ballot... |
bliss_eternal |
Mon Jul-02-07 10:49 AM | 9 |
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Has anyone here heard of Cecilia Fire Thunder...? |
bliss_eternal |
Fri Jun-29-07 03:18 PM | 6 |
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An interesting couple of paragraphs |
ismnotwasm |
Thu Jun-28-07 12:07 PM | 2 |
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An Open Letter About Emergency Contraception (With Instructions) - from The Nation |
Thu Jun-28-07 10:30 AM | 6 |
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LA-Lawmakers approve abortion ban... |
bliss_eternal |
Wed Jun-27-07 01:27 PM | 1 |
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LA Times Opinion: My Wife and I had an Abortion... |
bliss_eternal |
Sun Jun-24-07 07:24 PM | 1 |
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Again, may I say how pleased I am this board is here. |
Kerrytraveler... |
Sun Jun-24-07 12:41 PM | 7 |
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A supreme court reminder |
ismnotwasm |
Sat Jun-23-07 07:49 PM | 1 |
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Many Debate Giving Morning -After Pill to Victims of Rape |
bliss_eternal |
Sat Jun-23-07 06:39 PM | 5 |
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Pro-choice threads on DU.... |
bliss_eternal |
Sat Jun-23-07 01:46 AM | 2 |
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Kopp sentenced to 10 to life |
ismnotwasm |
Fri Jun-22-07 09:17 PM | 1 |
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New Congress Drains Helium From Pro-Choice Hopes |
atommom |
Fri Jun-22-07 05:06 PM | 5 |
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Anti-choice terrorists to be honored in Milwaukee next month. |
smokey nj |
Fri Jun-22-07 09:35 AM | 2 |
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Interesting article from Norway |
Bjornsdotter |
Fri Jun-15-07 11:04 PM | 0 |
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There's a new documentary about forced-birthers opening this weekend. |
smokey nj |
Fri Jun-15-07 10:26 PM | 9 |
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Seeing this group up and running |
dancingAlone |
Fri Jun-15-07 05:10 PM | 2 |
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Let me be the first to thank bliss_eternal and skinner |
Crowdance |
Thu Jun-14-07 04:49 PM | 15 |
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YouTube- Carrie Baker on her Pharmacy refusal |
ismnotwasm |
Thu Jun-14-07 03:50 PM | 1 |
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Civil libertarians defend Whatcott (anti-choice activist, Canada) |
iverglas |
Thu Jun-14-07 03:43 PM | 4 |
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Everyone please take a peek at the current mission statement... |
bliss_eternal |
Wed Jun-13-07 03:20 PM | 5 |
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Yea! Thanks bliss_eternal & Skinner! |
Tue Jun-12-07 07:26 AM | 2 |
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Yeah! I am so pleased this group is here! |
Kerrytraveler... |
Tue Jun-12-07 06:02 AM | 1 |