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Bush Orders White House Release of Military Records (nothing new)

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 08:14 PM
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Bush Orders White House Release of Military Records (nothing new)

Bush Orders White House Release of Military Records
By Terence Hunt
AP White House Correspondent
Friday, February 13, 2004; 7:55 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush, trying to calm a political storm, released his Vietnam-era military records Friday to counter Democrats' suggestions that he shirked his duty in the Texas Air National Guard. But there was no new evidence documenting he was in Alabama during a period when Democrats have questioned whether he showed up service.

Hundreds of pages of documents -- many of them duplicates -- detailed Bush's service in the Guard from 1968 until 1973.
Bush's medical records, dozens of pages in all, were opened for examination by reporters in the Roosevelt Room, but those documents were not allowed to leave the room.

<snip>There were no new documents about Bush's serving in Alabama.

From MWO:”Unfortunately for Bush and the Scottie, it's looking as if those seeking information about which incriminating records of Bush's were "cleansed" by National Guard officials in an effort to protect the Unelected Fraud will have no other choice but to troll for trash to determine what was deliberately "cleansed" by those orchestrating the cover-up.”

My comment-OF COURSE Bush says today’s 400 pages were not scrubbed – but the other folks say he is a liar-

February 12, 2004
AN INTERVIEW WITH BILL BURKETT....As promised earlier, here's the interview with former Lt. Colonel Bill Burkett regarding his charges that George Bush's National Guard files in Texas were "cleansed" back in 1997. This is not the entire enchilada, but it includes most of the interview directly relevant to the charges.
I'm posting this for two reasons. First, since Burkett's story has already been picked up by the mainstream media I think it's valuable to hear an extended interview with him that allows you to decide for yourself if his charges are credible — especially since there are some less than flattering moments that may hurt as well as help his story. As with any verbatim transcript, it can be a little hard to follow in places, but it's worth plowing through the whole thing if you're really interested in all this.
Second, although I said I was skeptical about Burkett yesterday, several things have convinced me that his story is at least believable enough that it deserves wider exposure:
• I talked to him on the phone for nearly two hours on Wednesday and his story hung together pretty well. In particular, his story of how he overheard the conversation in General James' office and then saw some of Bush's files in a trashcan makes more sense when you hear the details. It's fairly melodramatic, but it does make sense.
In addition, although I haven't yet transcribed this part of the interview, he explained his "clarification" in 2000 that, as he puts it, seemed to "over-retract": basically, he got scared by the attention and backed down. He now admits it was a mistake.
And finally, in the interview he provided the names of several fellow guardsmen who can corroborate his story. Although details are lacking this early, various of these people have already been contacted by reporters and have backed up Burkett's story so far.
• The first (partial) corroboration is from George Conn. According to the New York Times, he declined specific comment on the charges but said via email, "I know LTC Bill Burkett and served with him several years ago in the Texas Army National Guard. I believe him to be honest and forthright. He 'calls things like he sees them.'"
• Also from the Times is this: "A retired officer, Lt. Col. Dennis Adams, said Mr. Burkett told him of the incidents shortly after they happened. 'We talked about them several different times,' said Mr. Adams, who spent 15 years in the Texas Guard and 12 years on active duty in the Army."
• A third person, Harvey Gough, was interviewed last year by Sander Hicks. Although the conversation was not specifically about Burkett's charges, Hough did confirm that he believed Bush's records had been scrubbed: "He says that Dan Bartlett and Danny James came to him at Camp Mabry in 1993, right after Bush was inaugurated as Governor, and deleted portions of Bush's TANG file. I asked Gough what he believed was scrubbed? 'I think quite a bit. I think all his time in Alabama.'"
• Finally, USA Today has a corroborating quote from an anonymous source: "A second former Texas Guard official, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, was told by a participant that commanders and Bush advisers were particularly worried about mentions in the records of arrests of Bush before he joined the National Guard in 1968, the second official said."
• In addition, Jim Moore, a longtime Texas reporter (and, granted, hardly a fan of Bush), has talked with Burkett extensively for a soon to be published book titled Bush's War For Reelection: Iraq, the White House, and the People. Moore emailed me that he finds Burkett "immensely credible."

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 08:16 PM
Response to Original message
1. the above is AP rather than Drudge - but topic is a dupe
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sallyseven Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 08:29 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Dupe or not
That is quite an eye opener. There is something obviously more than being AWOL. Drugs etc.
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onehandle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 09:07 PM
Response to Reply #2
12. I agree...
In fact I would go as far to say that Drudge is not news, and therefore Never belongs in LBN.

If Drudge is reliable news, then why not "The Onion" or "The Psychic Friends Network".
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peterh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 08:31 PM
Response to Original message
3. “documents were not allowed to leave the room”…..
Something is amiss here…watching MSNBC, a reporter said he has not looked at them yet, in that, each news organization was allowed one copy of what was being released and my colleague Gregory currently has that copy…..on Fox, a reporter standing out in front of the WH was standing there with the copy of over 400 pages that he just got around 30 minutes ago (waving them in front of the camera) and understandably hasn’t had time to go through it all yet, but yet, still offered up an opinion on the content….

Yet AP is saying they’re not allowed out of the room…..hmmmm….
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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 08:35 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Perhaps medical doc's only stayed in room? - but scrubbed story
seems pretty solid!

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Shadder Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 08:36 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Yeah, same on NBC
Edited on Fri Feb-13-04 08:37 PM by impeachbushnow
Reporter standing outside the WH holding a stack of doccuments.

This is gonna be fun on Monday at the next press briefing.
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MINEMAN Donating Member (15 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 08:39 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. if this is
the only issue we have were in trouble
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Jackpine Radical Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 08:54 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Where did you get the peculiar notion that this is the only issue?
How about Bush's lies to get us into the war? Histax cuts for the rich? His "Leave No Drug Company Behind" medicare destruction act? And on and on. Spend a little time digging around on the board before you say silly things like that.
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MINEMAN Donating Member (15 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 08:59 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. thank you!!!!
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JoFerret Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 09:02 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. O but it is not
Bush lying and cheating and scamming and being a hypocritical spoilt frat brat is a pattern of behavior. This story matters because it shows the deep and chronic character disorder. The real story is how that character reveals itself in every aspect of the misadministartion and its benighted policies. So - fast forward from back in the day to the now and the future. Bush must, must go. That is why the story of Bush's lying cheating lazy idle ways privileged ways back in 1972 matters now. It is a hypocritical pattern of lies and deception that has lined the pockets of him and his friends at the expense of the rest of us and at the cost of untold numbers of lost and ruined lives.
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Flubadubya Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 09:04 PM
Response to Reply #6
10. I don't know if WE'RE in trouble...
Edited on Fri Feb-13-04 09:05 PM by Flubadubya
but it sure looks like "THEY" are, otherwise THEY wouldn't be trying to baffle US with all THEIR bullshit.

THEY accuse US of "trolling for trash". All I gotta say is there's plenty of it to troll. Won't have to dig too deep, that's for sure! THEY are full of it!
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Insider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 09:04 PM
Response to Original message
11. nothing new, except karl's headline
and he got it: Bush Orders Release of All Records

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goclark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 10:02 PM
Response to Reply #11
13. Abortion?
I keep seeing suggestions about * and some girl and an abortion.
What is all that about?
It's hard for me to believe that he is not squeakie clean!
I thought he was just a frat boy drinking beer. I don't recall reading about any girls until Laura The Librarian Hit The Scene.

I always thought something was fishy about that marriage. How did he get through Yale with all that money and not one girl hooked him?

Where can I find out more and how come it didn't come out in the last election?
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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-13-04 10:18 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. Bush Cocaine arrest in new forward to "Fortunate Son" - Robin's abortion
Edited on Fri Feb-13-04 10:30 PM by papau
is still not discussed - But Buzzflash has a summary of the Robin Lowman story if you want to read about pro-life age 15 girlfriend (Stat rape anyone) and his driving her to, and paying for, her abortion.

I find the arrest record that excludes the cocaine bust to be the most interesing item of this night!

Book: Bush was arrested for cocaine in 1972 /

Texas author J.H. Hatfield claims the Republican front-runner did community service at a Houston center.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Salon Staff

Oct. 18, 1999 | A new book by Texas author J.H. Hatfield claims that George W. Bush was arrested for cocaine possession in 1972, but had his record expunged with help from his family's political connections. In an afterword to his book "Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President" (St. Martin's), Hatfield says he took a second look at the Bush cocaine allegations after a story in Salon reporting allegations that Bush did community service for the crime at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center in Houston's Third Ward.

The center's executive director, Madgelean Bush (no relation to George W. Bush), had told Salon News and others that Bush did not do community service there, and the Bush campaign likewise denied the allegation. But the Texas governor had admitted to working at Houston's Project P.U.L.L. in 1972, and Hatfield says he began to wonder if that was actually the community service sentence. Hatfield says he confirmed those suspicions with three sources close to the Bush family he had cultivated while writing his biography, which publishes Wednesday. snip

But Hatfield quotes "a high-ranking advisor to Bush" who confirmed that Bush was arrested for cocaine possession in Houston in 1972, and had the record expunged by a judge who was "a fellow Republican and elected official" who helped Bush get off "with a little community service at a minority youth center instead of having to pick cotton on a Texas prison farm." snip

Hatfield also says that when he asked Scott McClellan to comment on the allegation of a former Yale classmate of Bush's that the presidential hopeful was arrested for cocaine possession in 1972 and had his record expunged in exchange for community service at Project P.U.L.L., the Bush campaign spokesman said, sotto voce, "Oh, shit," followed by, "No comment."

an alcoholic, coke-head felon style of paranoia

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