Los Angeles TimesThe U.S. military will be on high alert during the inauguration of Barack Obama, with increased air defenses, chemical-attack teams and medical units in place, a top general said in disclosing details of the plan today.
Air Force Gen. Victor E. Renuart Jr., who heads the military command that oversees security for North America, said the Defense Department has been told of no specific threats, but that the armed services need to be ready to respond to an attack or other emergency....
The military duties are not unprecedented. Northern Command officials said they also provided security support for inaugural activities in 2005 as well as for national political conventions and major athletic events, such as the Super Bowl.
The U.S. Secret Service is the lead agency coordinating security for the inauguration, but about 11,500 military service members will take part through Northcom....
About 4,000 National Guard members will provide support to local law enforcement agencies, boosting security on the National Mall and around Washington, where millions of people are expected to visit to see the inauguration. The military also will use 7,500 active-duty troops, who have expertise the guard does not, including emergency medical teams and experts in chemical attack....
Air defenses around Washington are always tight, but Renuart said the number of patrols would increase during the inauguration....
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