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Olympians could face ban (steroids) | San Jose Mercury News

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Ediacara Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 04:37 PM
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Olympians could face ban (steroids) | San Jose Mercury News
Olympians could face ban


By Elliott Almond and Mark Emmons
Mercury News

U.S. anti-doping officials are prepared to ban athletes involved in the Balco drug scandal from competing in this summer's Olympic Games if evidence shows they used performance-enhancing drugs.

As four Bay Area men were arraigned Friday in San Francisco federal court, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency began combing through documents released as part of the 42-count indictment alleging a conspiracy to give athletes illegal steroids and prescription drugs.

``We fully expect that developments in the U.S. Attorney's proceedings and our ongoing investigation will lead to the initiation of more doping cases against athletes and others,'' said Terry Madden, the anti-doping agency chief. He made the comments Thursday after the indictment of Balco's owner, Victor Conte Jr.; Balco's vice president, James Valente; Barry Bonds' personal trainer, Greg Anderson; and track coach Remi Korchemny.

The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency can sanction athletes even though they did not fail drug tests. Athletes' names were not revealed in the court documents that alleged the Bay Area men conspired to help elite athletes circumvent drug tests.

More at the San Jose Mercury News
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Poiuyt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 06:45 PM
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1. This is good for sports
Too bad baseball doesn't follow suit. Nobody has the backbone to go up against the players union.
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