AFPUS military mobilizes troops for inaugurationby Jim Mannion – Wed Dec 17, 12:31 pm ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The US military plans to mobilize thousands of troops to protect Washington against potential terrorist attack during the inauguration of president-elect Barack Obama, a senior US military commander said Wednesday. They will fly combat air patrols and man air defenses, organize large scale medical support, and help local law enforcement provide security in the capital, said General Gene Renuart, head of the US Northern Command.
"(It's) not because we see a specific threat, but because for an event this visible, this important and this historic, we ought to be prepared to respond if something does happen," he told reporters. Renuart said some 7,500 active duty troops and 4,000 national guard troops will take part in the operations in support of the inauguration of the 44th US president on January 20. Overall responsibility for security during the inauguration falls to the Secret Service.
But Renuart's command, which is co-located with NORAD, is responsible for preparing for any contingency. Some troops will march in parades, serve in honor guards or perform other ceremonial duties, he said. But most of the national guard troops will back up local law enforcement, while active duty forces will provide specialized capabilities, according to the general. Renuart said NORAD, the US-Canadian command responsible for defending North American airspace, will increase combat air patrols over the United States to guard against another September 11 type attack.
"Our integrated air defense system in the national capital region will be up and robust and available," he said. It typically includes Patriot missile defense batteries deployed at key points around the city. Chemical response units also will be on alert in case of a chemical weapons attack, he said. A joint task force for the capital region is planning medical response in case of an attack that produces large numbers of casualties, he said.
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