<<In Iraq, British soldiers kicked and punched hooded prisoners as they yelled out for mercy, a witness to an incident in which one Iraqi detainee was allegedly beaten to death was quoted as saying.
The serving British soldier, requesting anonymity, told Thursday's edition of The Sun he had been "sick to his stomach" after witnessing the beatings in the southern Iraqi city of Basra.
Earlier this month, Britain's defence ministry said it was investigating the death of an Iraqi prisoner while in British custody following reports that he had been beaten to death.
According to The Sun report, the dead man was among nine Iraqis held by the Queen's Lancashire Regiment on suspicion of being "bandits" last September, just a few weeks after the regiment lost one of its number to a roadside bomb>>
This from the rah-rah go-get-em Murdochian Sun.
Other sources for the same story: ' British Troops Kicked and Punched Iraqi PoWs ' - Report - The Scotsman