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China gives HK activists a warning

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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 12:53 AM
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China gives HK activists a warning
China, facing growing demands in Hong Kong for more democracy, has rolled out late paramount leader Deng Xiaoping (???) on the anniversary of his death to remind the territory to be patriotic and trust Beijing.

State newspapers carried front-page commentaries with remarks by Deng, architect of the "one country, two systems" concept that promised Hong Kong it could keep its capitalist system for 50 years after Britain returned it to Chinese rule in 1997.

The commentaries, published as China marked Deng's death seven years ago at the age of 92, said a main requirement for Hong Kong was patriotism

"There is a standard for Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong, and that is that patriots, making up the main body of the Hong Kong people, must govern Hong Kong," the Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily quoted Deng as saying.
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Pale_Rider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 01:28 AM
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1. A veiled threat ...
... since Deng Xiaoping ordered PLA troops to storm Tiananmem Square and put the peaceful protest down. Thousands were killed in the massacre.

Handiwork of a murderous bastard! Bush World Order.
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JoeMemphis Donating Member (469 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 09:55 AM
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2. Maybe Beijing should send the Wal-Mart CEO
into Hong Kong and let him explain how great communism is for business. Democracy = rights for citizens that threaten to push up the cost of labor, meaning Americans can't get their cheap junk at "everyday low prices" -- Always!
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