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Haiti's Aristide is urged to add rebels to Cabinet | Washington Times

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Ediacara Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 04:57 PM
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Haiti's Aristide is urged to add rebels to Cabinet | Washington Times
Haiti's Aristide is urged to add rebels to Cabinet

By Sharon Behn

An unidentified student chants
slogans against President Jean-
Bertrand Aristide during a protest
in Port-au-Prince on Friday. (AP)

International diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador to Haiti James Foley, urged President Jean-Bertrand Aristide yesterday to form a new Cabinet with the opposition, headed by a premier aligned with neither, as a political solution to a two-week uprising that has left dozens dead.

The White House said the peace plan laid out by the diplomats — as armed gangs continued to rampage through the country — did not call for Mr. Aristide to step down.

"He is the leader of Haiti," Bush spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters.

More at the Washington Times
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Just Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 05:40 PM
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1. The battle against predatory, vile corporatists must begin,...
Edited on Sat Feb-21-04 05:42 PM by Just Me
,...the more I study the economic tyranny at play, the angrier I become at those who betray human value and freedom and democracy for unleashed greed. It is appalling!!!

I came across a couple of links (hope they are new and informative) that may interest those who are attempting to shine light on the truth:

and the ever handy "Disinfopedia,...

,...which ties US federally funded NED to the oppositions in both Haiti and Venezuala, explains its creation in the roots of the Reagan administration, and demonstrates a tendency to support militant fascists/despots tied closely to "the wealthy ones".

<on edit,...please note that Carlucci from the Carlyle Group sits on the board of NED>
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