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Karbala Troops Injured by Bus Carrying Pilgrims

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DuctapeFatwa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-29-04 02:29 PM
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Karbala Troops Injured by Bus Carrying Pilgrims
Several soldiers from the coalition forces in Karbala were injured Sunday as a bus carrying Muslim pilgrims crashed into a checkpoint at entrance to the city. The nationality of the victims, however, was not immediately disclosed.

A number of Iraqi policemen as well as local civilians also got hurt. It is still not clear whether the incident was actually a suicide blast attempt, but local Iraqi military men are investigating the case.

A Bulgarian battalion is part of the multinational peacekeeping contingent in Karbala.
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Barrett808 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-29-04 04:24 PM
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1. Must be the same story: Polish Troops Fire on Pilgrims in Iraq
Polish Troops Fire on Pilgrims in Iraq
By TAREK AL-ISSAWI, Associated Press Writer

KARBALA, Iraq - Polish soldiers opened fire on a bus full of Shiite Muslim pilgrims from Iran after it failed to stop at a checkpoint Sunday, witnesses said. Ten people were hurt, including eight Iranian pilgrims, a Polish soldier and member of the Iraqi security forces, they said.

Polish officials, however, denied that the bus was carrying anyone but the driver and said they suspect the incident was an aborted terrorist attack.

The bus, apparently having brake troubles, struck a minivan and swerved into a concrete barrier at a checkpoint manned by Polish and Iraqi security forces, witnesses said.

Abbas Hassan, a member of the U.S.-trained Iraqi Civil Defense Corps, said Polish troops opened up with heavy firepower for several minutes, targeting all cars coming in on the highway from Baghdad. He said the gunfire destroyed the right side of the bus.

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