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Boulder County in midst of foreclosure funk

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UpInArms Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-29-04 06:37 PM
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Boulder County in midst of foreclosure funk,1713,BDC_2423_2692404,00.html

For nearly a decade, Linda Weber made her Longmont house a home, a place where her adult children still come over every Sunday night for a home-cooked meal.

On April 12, she'll get kicked out.


Foreclosures like the one Weber faces have climbed sharply for three straight years throughout Colorado and Boulder County. Most industry observers don't expect things to improve much this year, either.

"Right now, it doesn't look real good. It's kind of discouraging," says Weber, 52. "It's not the best confidence-builder."

In 2003, 487 properties in Boulder County entered the foreclosure process, a 67 percent increase over 2002 and the highest total recorded in 12 years. Most foreclosures involve residential properties, and the data is one measure of an economy's performance, since it shows how well people keep up with an important expense.

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paulk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-29-04 07:29 PM
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1. It's worse in Denver from what I understand
still, it was interesting to note from the article that it's still not as bad as 1988-92. 'Course that was after 8 years of Reagan 's supply side nonsense. Four more years of Bush and god only knows where we'll be.
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