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Ruling party urges calm after Mandela's hospitalization

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Turborama Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 12:52 PM
Original message
Ruling party urges calm after Mandela's hospitalization
Source: CNN International

The South African ruling party appealed for calm Thursday after Nelson Mandela was hospitalized a day earlier in Johannesburg.

A spokesman for the African National Congress said Mandela was undergoing routine tests.

"It is a well-known fact that Madiba is 92-years-old and no longer a young man," said Jackson Mthembu, the spokesman.

"As South Africans, let us all allow doctors at the hospital to do their best in conducting tests on our elder statesman. We also wish to confirm that Madiba is well taken care of at the hospital."

Read more:

Mandela was last seen in public at last year's
World Cup finals.
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Turborama Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 07:48 PM
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1. Mandela recovering from collapsed lung
8:24 AM Friday Jan 28, 2011

Former South African President Nelson Mandela is recovering from a collapsed lung and could be released from hospital tomorrow, according to reports.

Mandela, 92, was admitted to Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg yesterday for what his foundation described as routine tests, Reuters reports.

The Independent Online quoted a statement from Nelson Mandela Foundation spokesman Sello Hatang stating: "We can confirm that Mr Mandela is at Milpark hospital undergoing routine tests. He is in no danger and is in good spirits."

President Jacob Zuma has off set speculation in local media about Mandela's health.

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