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Top US diplomat for Latin America resigning

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-06-11 03:24 PM
Original message
Top US diplomat for Latin America resigning
Source: Associated Press

Top US diplomat for Latin America resigning
Posted: May 06, 2011 2:50 PM CDT
Updated: May 06, 2011 3:00 PM CDT

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Obama administration's senior diplomat for Latin America is stepping down.

The State Department says Arturo Valenzuela will leave this summer to return to a teaching post at Georgetown University after serving since 2009 as the assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs.

Spokesman Mark Toner says that the administration will start looking for a successor and that it was deeply appreciative of Valenzuela's service.

Valenzuela, a Chile-born academic and veteran of the Clinton administration, is announcing his resignation at a time when no U.S. ambassador is posted to Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia.

Read more:

Arturo Valenzuela

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Ian David Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-06-11 03:26 PM
Response to Original message
1. What's with the hair?? n/t
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-06-11 03:30 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Maybe he's a long-time fan of the not-so-mystical Wayne Cochran:
Edited on Fri May-06-11 03:36 PM by Judi Lynn
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lsewpershad Donating Member (964 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-06-11 05:01 PM
Response to Original message
3. This gives
President Obama and Hillary an opportunity to select someone who understands what is happening in Latin America and why the people are choosing leaders who look out for the masses rather than US corporations and the filthy rich.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-06-11 05:05 PM
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4. That's interesting. n/t
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