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FEC Cites Sharpton Campaign for No Report

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Khephra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 07:11 PM
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FEC Cites Sharpton Campaign for No Report
WASHINGTON -- Former presidential candidate Al Sharpton, a newly-minted television commentator, apparently isn't talking much to the Federal Election Commission.

The FEC said late Friday that Sharpton's campaign, which has already been ordered to return federal matching funds, has not filed its required monthly report.

A report detailing April campaign spending was due by May 20.

The FEC said Sharpton's committee was notified May 27 that the report still had not arrived, and the committee was given four business days to respond.

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mom cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 07:31 PM
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1. For expose of Sharpton's repug financial backers, read the following-
A Bush Covert Operative Takes Over Al Sharpton's Campaign
Sleeping With the GOP
by Wayne Barrett with special reporting by Adam Hutton and Christine Lagorio
February 5th, 2004 8:20 AM

(illustration: Bill Mayer)

Post-Debate: Al Sharpton in the Spin Room
The Reverend Fields Oddball Questions From the Press (3 min. 4 sec.)

Roger Stone, the longtime Republican dirty-tricks operative who led the mob that shut down the Miami-Dade County recount and helped make George W. Bush president in 2000, is financing, staffing, and orchestrating the presidential campaign of Reverend Al Sharpton.

Though Stone and Sharpton have tried to reduce their alliance to a curiosity, suggesting that all they do is talk occasionally, a Voice investigation has documented an extraordinary array of connections. Stone played a pivotal role in putting together Sharpton's pending application for federal matching funds, getting dollars in critical states from family members and political allies at odds with everything Sharpton represents. He's also helped stack the campaign with a half-dozen incongruous top aides who've worked for him in prior campaigns. He's even boasted about engineering six-figure loans to Sharpton's National Action Network (NAN) and allowing Sharpton to use his credit card to cover thousands in NAN costs—neither of which he could legally do for the campaign. In a wide-ranging Voice interview Sunday, Stone confirmed his matching-fund and staffing roles, but refused to comment on the NAN subsidies.

Sharpton denounced the Voice's inquiries as "phony liberal paternalism," insisting that he'd "talk to anyone I want" and likening his use of Stone to Bill Clinton's reliance on pollster Dick Morris, saying he was "sick of these racist double standards." He did not dispute that Stone had helped generate matching contributions and staff the campaign. Asked about the Stone loans, he conceded that he "asked him to help NAN," but attributed the financial aid to his and Stone's joint "fight against the Rockefeller drug laws," adding: "If he did let me use his credit card to cover NAN expenses, fine." The finances of NAN and the Sharpton campaign have so merged in recent months that they have shared everything from contractors to consultants to travel expenses, though Sharpton insists that these questionable maneuvers have been done in compliance with Federal Election Commission regulations.

Stone's Miami-based Fairbanks Limited also set up an e-mail service called Sharpton-at-the-beach, which has issued dozens of releases highlighting campaign achievements before news of them was posted on the campaign website. His impact on strategy even included giving Sharpton the ax handle he wielded at the July NAACP convention, which Sharpton used as a symbol of former Georgia Democratic governor Lester Maddox, who became famous in the '60s by chasing blacks from his restaurant with one. Sharpton stirred the crowd, yelling from the podium: "Anytime we can give a party 92 percent of our vote and have to still beg some people to come talk to us, there is still an ax-handle mentality among some in the Democratic Party." Sharpton said he doesn't remember whether Stone gave him the ax handle. Stone declined to comment, but has boasted to friends that he came up with the theatrics.

Recruited in 2000 by his friend James Baker, the former secretary of state, to spearhead the GOP street forces in Miami, Stone is apparently confident that he can use the Democrat-bashing preacher to damage the party's eventual nominee, just as Sharpton himself bragged he did in the New York mayoral campaign of 2001. In his 2002 book, Al on America, Sharpton wrote that he felt the city's Democratic Party "had to be taught a lesson" in 2001—insisting that Mark Green, who defeated the Sharpton-backed Fernando Ferrer in a bitter runoff, had disrespected him and minorities. Adding that the party "still has to be taught one nationally," he warned: "A lot of 2004 will be about what happened in New York in 2001. It's about dignity." In 2001, Sharpton engaged in a behind-the-scenes dialogue with campaign aides to Republican Mike Bloomberg while publicly disparaging Green.

Sharpton recently rebuffed an appeal by DNC chair Terry McAuliffe to join a post-primary March 25 event to support the nominee, sending a letter saying he would attend but would also "continue to campaign vigorously until the last day of the convention." He has also repeatedly vowed that he would speak on prime-time TV during the July convention, saying party leaders would decide "whether that's inside the hall or out in the parking lot," threatening demonstrations unless granted exposure guaranteed to turn off many voters. Stone terminated a 45-minute Voice interview shortly after he was asked about any involvement he might have had with the letter to McAuliffe, saying he was "not characterizing my conversations with Sharpton," though he freely did in a recent Times interview.
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rocktivity Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-04-04 08:24 PM
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2. Look up the words "jive turkey,"and you'll find a picture of Sharpton
Edited on Fri Jun-04-04 08:25 PM by rocknation
Sharpton's campaign manager Charles Halloran blamed the FEC for the delay, saying the...reporting process has been slowed by a...fight over Sharpton's receipt of $100,000 in matching funds...(T)he FEC...determin(ed)...that the campaign must pay back (the) $100,000...because (Sharpton) spent too much of his own money...The campaign is appealing that finding, and Halloran said the FEC is holding Sharpton to a higher standard than President Bush on matters of campaign travel.
Applies and oranges. What Bush is being accused of, however rightfully, is misusing taxpayer money, not his own. Given Sharpton's previous modus operandis, the money is probably long gone, so he's playing a discrimination card by claiming Georgie's sins are bigger.

Halloran said a campaign lawyer sent the report in after Friday's 5 p.m. deadline...
The original deadline fell on a Thursday. Four business days after that, including Memorial Day, means it was due yesterday, also a Thursday. Why is he acting so proud? Any if they were being so careful, why didn't they inform the FEC once they knew they were going to be late?

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