Sahara Desert Handoff Hopes to Win Capture
Associated Press Writer
June 5, 2004, 10:36 AM EDT
DAKAR, Senegal -- A Sahara Desert handoff was unfolding Saturday that could put a man believed to be one of North Africa's most-wanted terror suspects in the hands of Algerian authorities, according to an official with one of the countries involved.
Algerian forces hoped through the handoff to win custody of a man tentatively identified as Amari Saifi, known as "Al Para," his nom de guerre, the official said.
Saifi, the No. 2 man of an armed Algerian extremist group linked to al-Qaida, is wanted in last year's killing of 43 Algerian soldiers and the Sahara kidnapping of 32 European tourists, among other crimes. ...MORE,0,3842930.story?coll=sns-ap-world-headlines