's growth pattern? Why no word of the terrible suffering for 3.5 years and only the 'Whore' media talks about real or fictious small recovery now? Why no 'Whore' talk about Bush incompetence for 3.5 years and why it took so long to begin a small recovery? Why no 'Whore' talk of Bush spending Billion$ of dollars on Military Industrial Complex products which are 3 to 1 less productive than the same money invested into the private sector? The first thing we learned in Economics class is $1 dollar invested in the Military is equal to $3-2 dollars invested in the private sector. Are Americans not cable of understanding such a basic principle of fact?
Lastly, I believe there is Racketeering Collusion between the Bush/GOP Crime Family and the American Immoral GOP Corporate structure. Bush promised Billion$ in tax cuts and illegal no bid contracts if the Immoral Corporations would hire employees just before the election to bolster Bush's Bubble Economy. With Billion$ in tax cuts, which Americans are paying for at the local level, what's a few million for the Immoral Corporations to 'Invest' to attempt to inflate Bush?
Here is the LIFE of America draining into the sands of Iraq and evaporating into the dry Iraq air. A toast to you aWol, Gingrich, Lott, Hastert, Delay, Gingrich, Rumsfeld, Powell, Wolfowitz, Abrams, Novak, Limbaugh... The Butchers of the Twenty First Century: